How to support us

We can keep our faucet alive thanks to the advertisements.
Just by clicking an ad you already help us a lot!
The more clicks the ads get, the higher the faucet rewards will be. If the clicks + views number increase, we are going to change the timer to 30 seconds! We might increase the reward soon as well, so just spend a few seconds and click the ads!

You can also advertise on our faucet! Just click one of the banners to get more information.
You can help us by sharing the website with your friends. If your friend registers, we are also going to give you a nice bonus. Read below for more information.

By donating
Feeling generous? Want to help us improve the faucet? You can donate some Bitcoin! Just send it to the following adress:

Extra information

Are you a gamer? Do you have a Steam account and likes free games/CS:GO skins for free?
Then check this blog to learn how to get them easily!

We were able to create this faucet thanks to Check them out!